maiLink Glossary

Common terms and language used in the maiLink application.

Basic Terms

These terms are best understood if read through in sequence.

Term Description
maiLink The shorthand name for the maiLink SRM platform, the maiLink Apps that run on the maiLink SRM platform, and all of its features and capabilities.
Device A manufactured product that is installed in the field.
Device Type A class of manufactured products, such a those of the same make and model and, perhaps, with similar options.
Partner A manufacturer or other business that is a direct user of maiLink SRM softare (E.g. they use it to track and monitor their products).
Customer An entity that purchases and uses products manufactured by a maiLink Partner.
Term Description
maiLink SRM The name of the maiData Service Relationship Management (SRM) software platform for tracking fleets of deployed devices and secure communications with those devices.
maiLink Apps The collection of optional maiLink Apps are available on the maiLink SRM platform and can be enabled / disabled for each Device Type:
App Description
Manage This App allows Device Types to be created for each brand and model of product, and Devices to be created for each serial number.
Health This App sends an “Agent Alive” health message from the Agent to the Cloud at a regular interval.
Access This App provides secure remote access from an installed Client to deployed devices in the field.
Telemetry This App sends asynchronous messages from the Agent to the Cloud.
Command This App automates service tasks. Each Command is a script that combines individual file transfers to/from the device as well as remotely executed commands that are run on the device. Command allows scripts to be broadcast to one Device, a selected group of Deviecs (all of the same Device Type), or all the Devices of a Device Type.
Type Description
Metrics Numeric values that change over time.
Events Momentary occurences on the Devices, such as “Door opened”, “System restarted”. Each Event has a Severity Level, a Code that identifies the type of Event, and a Descriptor that is human-readable.
Status Describes the the current state of something in the Devices, such a “Door is Open” or “X-ray Tube is on”. Each Status has a Code that identifies the component being described, and a Descriptor that is human-readable.
Type Description
Agent The maiLink software module built into products that can connect to the maiLink SRM software platform.
Client The maiLink software module installed on Partner service technicians if/when they need to remotely access deployed Devices.
Cloud The maiLink software cloud-based database, management, portal and secure communications software.
Router A maiLink software accessory with built-in Agent that, when installed in a Customer facility and with the agreement of the Customer, allows the Partner to gain Access to non-maiLink compatible, network-connected systems.

Types of Protected Information

These terms are usually used in the context of Information Security (SOC1, SOC2, SOC3, ISO-27001), Patient Privacy (HIPAA) and/or Data Protection (GDPR).

Type Description
PCI Payment Card Information.
PHI Payment Card Information.
PII Payment Card Information.

Other Terms

Type Description
PDLC maiLink uses a Product Development Life Cycle process for developing maiLink products.
VA In computing, a Virtual Appliance (VA) is considere a software equivalent of a hardware device, usually in the form of a preconfigured software solution.
VM In computing, a Virtual Machine (VM) is the virtualization / emulation of a computer system.