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Update Agent

Update the Agent on a Device.

The following methods are used to update the maiLink Agent on Devices without having to establish a connection and log in.

Single Device

To update the Agent version on a Device:

  1. Open the maiLink web app.
  2. Navigate to Devices > DeviceID.
  3. Select Update Device from the left hand tab bar.

Locate the Update Agent section, which shows the current Agent version.

  1. Click in the Versions pull-down and select one of the available versions.
  2. Click Apply to upgrade the Device to the selected version.

Note that the same controls can be used to revert to earlier versions of the Agent as well. Simply select an older version from the Available Versions drop-down and Apply. maiLink will not allow you to revert to versions of the Agent that were released prior to the release of Agent single-click upgrade because of software architecture incompatability.

Selected Devices

Future Enhancement

Device Type

Future Enhancement