Manage Users

How to manage users and user permissions in maiLink SRM.

Add a User

Note: To add a user you must have the Owner or User Manager role assigned to you.

To add a user, you need to know that user’s full name and email address.

  1. Navigate to Settings (Gear) > Users & Access Control.
  2. Click on the Invite User button.
  3. Enter the person’s First Name, Last Name and Email.
  4. Select the Roles to assign to that person. Best practice is to only assign a person the roles they really need to get their work done.
  5. Click on the Send Invite button Send Invite is a misnomer today. Think of it instead as Add User.

Then email the following to the user:

- Please go to
- Enter your email address.
- Click on Forgot Password?
- Check your email ... there will be one from maidata that has a link for setting your password.
- Click that link.
- In the browser, maiLink will ask you to enter a password twice. Use a complex password:
    - At least 8 characters
    - At least one of !@#$%^&*
    - At least one uppercase and one lowercase character
    - At least one digit 0-9

Delete User

Note: To delete a user you must have the Owner or User Manager role assigned to you.

Note: You cannot delete yourself.

  1. Navigate to Settings (Gear) > Users & Access Control.
  2. On the row for the user that is to be deleted, click the Delete button.
  3. Confirm the action by entering the email of the user you are deleting.
  4. Click delete.

Set User Roles

Note: To set user roles you must have the Owner or User Manager role assigned to you. Note: You are not able to modify your own permissions.

You how make or modify the permissions that are assigned to a maiLink user. Permissions are how maiLink controls access to certain data or capabilities in the maiLink Cloud.


mailink determines what data to show to a user, or what actions to allow that user to take, based on the roles that have been assigned to that user. The permissions assigned to a user can only be modified by a user with the USERS W permission.

  1. Navigate to Settings (Gear) > Users & Access Control.
  2. Select a user to modify by clicking Edit on that individual’s row.
  3. In the Permissions & Access Control section, pull down Roles.
  4. Toggle On / Off any of the roles that you want to add or remove.

Predefined Roles

The following roles are defined in maiLink.

Role Perform Actions For
Fleet Manager Managing models and devices in the maiLink database.
Manufacturing Specialist Adding devices to the maiLink database.
Owner Any maiLink administrative task required.
Service Specialist Servicing devices in the field, including establishing remote access sessions.
User Manager Modifying users (add/delete/edit), resetting passwords, and assigning roles to individual users.

Note: At this time it is not possible for administrators to modify these definitions, though that is being planned for a future release.

Role Permissions

Each permission is a combination of the TYPE of information to be accessed and the ACCESS granted. ACCESS can be R (read) or W (write). The following permissions (first two columns) are granted to each of the roles (latter columns).

TYPE ACCESS Fleet Manager Manufacturing Specialist Owner Service Specialist User Manager
Alarms R Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alarms W Yes Yes
Audit Logs R Yes Yes
Clients R Yes Yes
Clients W Yes Yes
Connection Types R Yes Yes Yes Yes
Connection Types W Yes Yes
Device Keys R Yes Yes Yes Yes
Device Keys W Yes Yes Yes Yes
Devices R Yes Yes Yes Yes
Devices W Yes Yes Yes
Device Types R Yes Yes Yes Yes
Device Types W Yes Yes
Metrics R Yes Yes Yes
Roles R Yes Yes
Roles W Yes Yes
Tunnels R Yes Yes
Tunnels W Yes Yes
Users R Yes Yes Yes Yes
Users W Yes Yes