Agent One-click Update

The architecture of the maiLink Agent software has changed to support one-click updates. Updates are triggered by a user selecting the desired version of Agent software to run on the Device and then initiating the update.

Note: To perform a single-click Agent Upgrade or Downgrade, you must already have V22.9.11 (or later) installed.

Agent Upgrade

The process is simple:

  1. Navigate to Devices > DeviceID.
  2. Select Update Device from the left hand tab bar.
  3. In the Update Agent section, click the Versions pull-down and select one of the more recent versions.
  4. Click Apply to downgrade the Device to the selected version.
  5. The Current Version display will change automatically.
    • Update will take 5 to 30 seconds, depending on network speeds.

Agent Downgrade

Note: You cannot use this method to downgrade an Agent to a version earlier than V22.9.11.

The same controls are used to revert to earlier versions of the Agent.

  1. Navigate to Devices > DeviceID.
  2. Select Update Device from the left hand tab bar.
  3. In the Update Agent section, click the Versions pull-down and select one of the earlier versions.
  4. Click Apply to downgrade the Device to the selected version.
  5. The Current Version display will change automatically.
    • Update take 5 to 30 seconds, depending on network speeds.

Telemetry Metrics Display

Telemetry “metric” data can now be displayed in the Cloud. There is a section called Metrics Explorer on each Devices > DeviceID > About Device page where you can enter queries. To help you get started, a new documentation page has been added that will help you get started with queries:

Telemetry Stub-outs

2022-08-04 Update: Telemetry “metric” messages are now transmitted to the Cloud

2022-09-13 Update: Configuration of agent log files has changed. See v22.9.8

2022-11-14 Update: All telemetry messages (Metrics, Events and Status) now get transmitted to the Cloud. In addition, system metrics and status values are also sent to the cloud (must be enabled by configuration).

Two new telemetry types are supported in the Agent REST API. Messages with type “event” and “status” can now be accepted. The results of calls to the REST API are documented in the Agent logfile:

C:\Program Files\maiLink\agent\mailink-agent-plugin.log

In order to log these telemetry calls, set log.level to “trace”:

# C:\Program Files\maiLink\Agent\mailink-agent-plugin.yml
log.level: "trace"
log.file: C:\Program Files\maiLink\agent\mailink-agent-plugin.log

After changing the log level, restart the maiLink Agent service.


Workflows are ready for use! Make sure you have Agent v23.3.6 or later installed.

Basic Overview

  1. Upgrade your devices to Agent v23.3.6 or later.
  2. Select Workflows on the maiLink UI top bar.
  3. Click Create and use the Workflow Step Builder to create your workflow.
    • Define the Trigger Type, plus a Trigger Condition if required.
    • Define the workflow steps in the right order.
    • Save the workflow.
  4. Enable the workflow by hovering over the row for your workflow and clicking the play button (⏵) at the righthand side.

Note: Be careful when select the trigger Type.
Note: Construct the Condition carefully to avoid getting thousands of unwanted triggers.