v22.12.4 Release Notes
maiLink Agent Changes
File Pull from Device
The maiLink Agent software has been updated to incorporate the ability to transfer a file to the cloud upon a request from the cloud. That lets the user “pull” a file from the maiLink cloud portal. In order to use this feature, the user must specify the absolute path of the file that is to be pulled to the cloud.
maiLink Cloud Portal User Interface Changes
File Transfer
All file transfer functions have been reimagined under the Devices > {device} > File Transfers lefthand tab. You will now see two top tabs under the File Transfers heading: Send to Device, and Pull from Device.
The user interface now has an Uploaded Files table that shows a list of the files that have been either pulled from the device to the cloud, or pushed by the device to the cloud (via the Agent REST API).
Send to Device. This functionality has not change from prior releases, although the user interface has changed. The user selects a file on their local file system, which is then transferred to the cloud. Then it is transferred down to the device.
Pull from Device. The user “pulls” a file from the maiLink cloud portal. The user must specify the absolute path of the file that is to be pulled to the cloud.
Device Location and Maps
Location. Each device can now be associated with a street address. That address is used to derive a latitude and longitude for the location. Furthermore, you can embellish the address with building, floor, and suite reference information, but realize that the additional information may not influence the latitue and longitude. The following examples will all create the same latitude and longitude:
- 1111 Constitution Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC
- 1111 Constitution Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC, Building 13
- 1111 Constitution Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC, Suite 103
- 1111 Constitution Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC, Bldg 7, Suite 24
There are several ways to enter the address:
- For a new device, add the address in the device entry area.
- For an existing device, add the address by editing the device.
- When mass importing devices from a CSV file, you can incorporate the address into the CSV file (see below, and How to Import Devices).
Mass Import of Devices
maiLink now support mass import of devices through our technical support team. Our documentation pages contain information (see How to Import Devices) on how to create a CSV file that is compatible with our mass import capability. If you have any questions, please reach out to support@maidata.io.