v22.9.11 Release Notes

One-Click Agent Update

The maiLink Agent software architechture has changed so that it supports Agent self-update. To do this, the Agent has been divided into two parts: mailink-agent is a watchdog that runs continuously as a daemon or service; mailink-agent-plugin is a binary that runs at the behest of mailink-agent. When an update is performed, mailink-agent-plugin gets replaced.

Should an update fail, the Agent will revert to using the version of mailink-agent-plugin that was running just prior to initiation of the update.

Configuration File

The maiLink Agent plugin has a new configuration file, written in YAML. That is where you can configure the behavior of the Agent, most specifically for logging.

Windows. On Windows devices the configuration file is found at:

C:\Program Files\maiLink\agent\mailink-agent-plugin.yml

with the following default contents:

log.level: "info" # or debug / trace
log.file: C:\Program Files\maiLink\agent\mailink-agent-plugin.log

Linux. On Linux devices the configuration file is found at:


with the following default contents:

log.level: "info" # or debug / trace
log.file: /var/log/mailink/mailink-agent-plugin.log


The Agent plugin logs run-time information about the Agent plugin. For users, this is most useful for monitoring REST API activity for Telemetry stub-outs. The Agent plugin will only log telemetry messages received by the REST API if the log level is set to “trace” in the YAML configuration file.

This release fixes a bug that prevented mailink-agent from creating its log file.