v22.8.4 Release Notes
Telemetry: Metrics
The REST API in the maiLink Agent now transmits “metric” type Telemetry messages to the Cloud. Those messages are recorded in the maiLink Telemetry Cloud database. Each metric is a named value where the name connotes the concept with unit (when applicable) and the value is a numeric value.
For example:
"type": "metric",
"label": "pressure__mmHg",
"value": 13.3
Telemetry Time-Series Display
With this release you can display telemetry time-series plots. A new Dashboard block called “Metrics Explorer” is available on each Device page. To support this, several new pages of Metrics documentation have been added (see below).
Note that in a future release we plan to move this capability to the Device Type. It will be available in the Device page only for users with the correct permissions.
Built-in System Metrics
The maiLink Agent has been updated to automatically include host computer and operating system metrics as Telemetry “event” data sent to the Cloud. Two metrics have been created:
cpu_util # CPU % used
mem_util # Memory % used
Built-in System Metrics are available via queries in the Metrics Explorer.
File Transfer
maiLink now supports file transfer from the service specialist’s computer to an Agent in the field. The user selects a file on the local computer to transmit. The file is deposited into this directory:
C:\Program Files\maiLink\agent\file_transfers\
The source file is not removed.
Audit Logging
maiLink now has a comprehensive Audit Log trail that you can review. Find under Settings > Audit Logs.
Documentation is available at Docs or by clicking on the Support tab in the top bar in the Cloud.
Release Notes
A section that contains release notes has been added. In this area you can find information about the most recent release of maiLink SRM software modules. In the future you will also be able to find historical release notes about prior software versions.
Telemetry API Specification
The Telemetry API interface specification has been updated to reflect the final syntax for Event and Status telemetry messages.
Metrics Documentation
Several new pages of documentation to help users learn about the PromQL query language used in the Metrics Explorer on the Device page. The pages are (in the order of most basic to most complex):
In addition, a new page has been added with coding samples that will generate telemetry Metrics data for you to play with: