Telemetry Stub-outs

2022-08-04 Update: Telemetry “metric” messages are now transmitted to the Cloud

2022-09-13 Update: Configuration of agent log files has changed. See v22.9.8

2022-11-14 Update: All telemetry messages (Metrics, Events and Status) now get transmitted to the Cloud. In addition, system metrics and status values are also sent to the cloud (must be enabled by configuration).

Two new telemetry types are supported in the Agent REST API. Messages with type “event” and “status” can now be accepted. The results of calls to the REST API are documented in the Agent logfile:

C:\Program Files\maiLink\agent\mailink-agent-plugin.log

In order to log these telemetry calls, set log.level to “trace”:

# C:\Program Files\maiLink\Agent\mailink-agent-plugin.yml
log.level: "trace"
log.file: C:\Program Files\maiLink\agent\mailink-agent-plugin.log

After changing the log level, restart the maiLink Agent service.